Friday, June 8, 2012

Goodnight another bad morning

i swear our jet is crashing in my mind,
you can hold on,
but i 
wouldn't waste my time

- The Kills, Black Balloon

You know those days when everything goes wrong? Like, not necessarily a bad day but just a wrong one.
  • i woke up at 6 am (which is a novelty since i work in the graveyard shift to bring out a newspaper so that YOU lucky people can sip your morning cuppa and READ before your morning absolution) to something thrown at my face. It was the silly sparrow couple trying to build a nest in my bedside window and thought it would be really cool to throw twigs at my face. Sigh! what about love thy neigbour and all that jazz, mr and mrs sparrow?
  • Then i had to rush for some bank work (*GROAN*), broke my new glitter flatforms and had to limp to cross the road
  • Agreed to play stylist for a girlfriend, who turned out to be very indecisive (and size XS) so we ended up finding nothing and you know how a bad shopping day can dampen your spirits, just that.
  • M dislocated his jaw. He seems to be in pain, can't eat and so, is cranky. So, i step in to play mommy akemi to make sure he gets his medicines and physiotherapy sessions (not an easy task)
  • Forgot my charger, so the cellphone conked off. Now, i am very daunted to climb alone all the way up to my Rapunzelesque tower cum house at 3am without talking on the phone (apparently zombies do not attack you when you are on the phone).

Presently, i am blogging to stay awake. doesn't seem to be working. 

The jailers in my mind are all dead, 
i love you so much
- The Kills, Goodnight another bad morning


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