i though the curse was broken...but i was wrong. Oh so wrong.
My life is not mine without a generous dose of drama. You know that feeling "This can't happen to me. It only happens to others." Well, the reverse is true in my case. If you know me or have me in your life, i am probably that person. The one likely to get abducted by aliens or immaculately conceive and give birth to the spawn of satan. Whatever.
Anyhoo, this time i managed to be a part of a purse snatching incident. Seems normal right? Two men on a bike, snatch an unsuspecting victim's purse and speed off. Wrong.
You forgot the victim was me- the harbinger of shit or simply, Queen of Shit Magnets.
My attackers took my purse and dragged me along too. On the road. For 10 meters.
The result was bruises and wounds...not to mention, the usual low self esteem dipping extra low and trauma levels at an all time high.
BUT, Akemi feels horribly sorry for her attackers.
Bad karma aside, my bag that they so painstakingly snatched had a wet towel (a smelly, old one), a freshly used swimming costume (ugly brown-green creation, bought on sale) and a baby lotion.
Guess the joke is on them.
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