Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The bystander effect

I fell for my own honeytrap 
I swear I saw it coming
I wish I could take it back.
- The Bystander Effect, Secular Ghosts

i am quitting my career as an aesthetic body stabber. It does not spark joy, mostly because people are sheep and cannot see beyond helixes, traguses and second lobes. 

i am bored out of my wits doing the same ol' vanilla piercings and allaying their fears about the pain *eye roll*

n my honest opinion, living such vanilla lives is more frightening. Piercings definitely hurt way less than continuing to stay in a toxic relationship where your partner dictates whether or not you can get a 1.7mm incision in your body.

Why are you empowering men like that?

i mean, women give life to an entire human being. A 16G piercing is nothing NOTHING compared to that. i cannot bring myself to deal with women who don't realise their own strength.

Anyway, i have been feeling my usual melancholia... counting down days till i can sit at home and figure out what to do next. Maybe it's the post-COVID effect, the disinclination to deal with insincere and boring personalities.

One thing is to be said of my current workplace... it's anything but drab. 

One of my shop neighbours is an eccentric costumier whose pet peeve is that shoppers rarely enter his shop instead choosing to window shop. i think they're intimidated... couture can be so to most people. 
When he's not vociferating on this topic, he plays the most gorgeous boomer playlist. I've used a couple in this post.

Meanwhile, my boss is quite the entrepreneur with a piercing as well as dog salon business. 

Just last month my boss had a major beef with a former employee (not a piercer) who was sacked for siphoning off funds from her dog grooming shop and allegedly harassing his women colleagues.

Let's just say, nearly all shop owners in the borough were picking a side in this feud. 

Salacious rumours were peddled like candies and accusatory shouting matches were de rigueur. There were 2 spit fights (one witnessed by yours truly) and one instance of shop vandalism.

No coppers were ever called. In a moment of weakness, my boss divulged that she has an assault and shoplifting record from her wild teen years. Her fiancé does not know this. 

i am sure the other parties involved in this feud have their own secrets they would rather keep from His Majesty's lawmen.

i had parked my arse firmly on the fence until i found out that the former employee had traded a disabled badge for his car in exchange for washing and grooming a man's two dogs at a discount. He pocketed the money and the badge.

This objectionable transaction was discovered when the man demanded the return of the disabled badge from my boss, who was quite clueless about the entire transaction.


How can i ever top an action-packed work experience like this?


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