Friday, June 10, 2011

Call me a doll and then play with me

When someone calls you a doll, are you supposed to smile and say thank you or take offense?
And weirdly, i get to hear this frequently.
Doll is a model for a human figure. Mind you, not a real human. 

Hi Miss Alice
In your glass eye
What sort of dream are you seeing?

Dolls are so comforting when you are lonely, i remember my childhood's endless nights which were spent crying and complaining to my doll about the unfair world. Then there were the evil dolls, a' la Chucky. Believe me, i know of a little boy who looks exactly like Chucky. Creepy...

Along the line, its easy to become as lifeless and unemotional as a doll, existing but never intruding. Distorted and twisted by whoever and in whichever way you please. 
Fill your mouth with sawdust, sew buttons in your eye sockets and no ears. That is the way the world functions.

Doll me up in my bad luck

Akihbara dress...Dollesque much?

Rag Doll livin' in a movie.

1 comment:

  1. Apie.. you aint no doll... You are full of life. Vivacious... Mwahh
